
Cytogenes - created on the basis of synthesized peptide fractions, represent a new line of highly effective bioregulators of parapharmaceuticals.

This class of preparations is used for prevention, maintenance of functional activity and auxiliary therapy of all major systems of the body. Created on the basis of the Institute of bioregulation and gerontology, this type of preparation has established itself as an effective instrument in the restoration, regeneration and rejuvenation of the organism.

Cytogene - are synthesized from natural amino acids, resulting in a copy of the working part of the most active part of the peptide (one molecule) contained in the extract. Synthesized peptides have a more rapid effect, starting at the initial stage of the body's recovery function. In the future, for the continuation of positive dynamics, it is recommended to switch to the reception of more powerful peptides cytomax.

Peptide bioregulators can be used both prophylactically and therapeutically. For the prevention of functional disorders of various systems and organs, it is recommended to take one capsule twice a day during meals for 30 days. Correction of already existing disorders as part of complex therapy involves taking two capsules 2-3 times a day for 30 days.

Physiologically active short peptides can be used at any age to slow down the aging process, maintain a normal level of metabolic processes, prevent and treat various diseases, and rehabilitate after trauma and surgery.

Also, in our catalog, more powerful complexes of natural peptides cytomax are presented, as well as a series of peptide complexes for external and sublingual application liquid peptides and liquid peptides ( intensive ).

More details about peptides:
peptides liquid ( in solution ), liquid intensive peptides, cytogen peptides, natural cytomax peptides and linguals.

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